Hardenberg Sports Boulevard is a new sports hall richer. And how beautifull it is! Fully equipped with digital solutions. AllSportSystems delivered a 7 m2 Led Scoreboard and Referee Controller centrally connected to 3 Touchscreens running MotionView video analysis software. This is again connected to three Axis cameras that allow shooting of the sporting events. Nijha provided the Digimo installation so that the devices can be fully or automatically stored out of the ceilings or walls. A simple push on the digital button is enough. The Touchscreens supplied by AllSportSystems are used for this purpose. In addition, there is a mobile solution per room part. A mobile device with Microsoft Surface Pro, MotionView software and The Imaging Source Hi-Speed camera complete the unit. This allows the movement analysis of an individual technical exercise to be performed. Webcasting from the sports hall is the latest new digital tool.

Sportboulevard Hardenberg

Sportboulevard Hardenberg